7 Reasons Why Video Testimonials Work

Better connection over video

You may think that written testimonials are the go-to method for connecting with customers and giving them important information. But did you know that videos are 74% more likely to engage your audience? Video Testimonials capture attention in ways writing simply cannot, giving viewers an immersive experience of your brand story and forming stronger connections along the way.


Video Testimonials are more trustworthy

Having testimonials in video form rather than typed up creates trust between the business and the viewer with 72% of consumers saying positive video testimonials increase their trust within a business.


Video is taking over the internet

While having written testimonials is okay, nowadays videos have taken over the internet with 82% of global internet traffic coming from video. Not being a part of the traffic can slow down your business growth as you would not be seen. By using Video Testimonials you are increasing the chance of your testimonial as well as your business to be seen online.


Video Testimonials are more shareable

With the rise of social media, sharing posts is becoming more and more frequent. With videos generating 1200% more shares than text posts online, the use of Video Testimonials than written ones seems like a cheat code. Having a much higher likelihood of positive testimonials about your business being shared online will result in an increase in high-quality leads as more people will see them.


The best method of marketing

By featuring real customers and clients, and sharing their experiences with your product or service, you can create a powerful emotional connection with potential customers and encourage them to take action. Video testimonials are a powerful tool that all businesses need to take on, increasing conversion rates by up to 80% this marketing method can help you improve your digital marketing results and grow your business.


More traffic to your business

If you don’t drive traffic to your business and improve SEO, it’ll be very hard to grow your business. The main hub for your business is your website, and websites using Video Testimonials saw a 45% increase in traffic compared to those who didn’t. Generating more traffic will eventually increase the amount of leads you get, leading to customers and clients for your business.


Revenue is the name of the game, right?

In terms of marketing and advertising, customer testimonial videos are powerful and significantly more effective than other methods. By using this tool it increases your likely hood of consumers converting to your product or service by over 58%.

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